30 Day Challenge

27 February 2017

As time passed, I challenged myself to do something different for 30 days. For me, it was writing in a journal about my days events, my feelings, my thoughts and anything under the sun that I wanted to jot down. If I thought it was worth writing about, I wrote it. Even if it was a simple thought like “Never add 3 espresso shots into your coffee and then try to sit and study, it doesn’t work!”. This was a challenge for me because I was never one to sit and write. On top of that, I never reflected on my days or asked myself what I was feeling deep down to the core. No matter how busy or what kind of day I had, I made sure to journal.  I can admit that there were a couple of nights I would simply type in my “Notes” on my iPhone and save what I had to transfer over to my journal. However, I made sure to follow through with my goal.
After the 30 days, I read over everything I had written. I learned SO much about myself and saw how much progress I had made, in such a small amount of time. If I had not done this, I don’t believe I would have made this realization.
I encourage you to do this challenge for yourself. There is a wide spectrum on what your challenge could consist of. Maybe you chose to cut out sugar, go for a regular walk, do volunteer work. Whatever it may be, there’s nothing bad that can come from it. If your first attempt is abortive, try again. It’s okay to start again.  I would love to hear about your 30 day challenge in the comments!
“You are under no obligation to be the same person you were a year, month, or even 15 minutes ago. You have the right to grow.”

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